To demostrate my progress, January was like this:
In comparison, February was like this:
So this is the triangle of success.
(Should I mention John Butler Trio, I understand no jokes. Take these two videos as homework, I'm gonna hear the lesson for sure: you may have a gallows look in case you roll down too fast.)
And now - dear lawyer friends - some numbers and extraordinary statistics:
3,013 m (04.01.) --> 5,240 m (01.02.) -->10,600m (02.03.)
00:10:00 run + 00:20:00 walk --> 00:40:00 run --> 1:12:46 run
No comment! Should anybody worry about my health because of my huge flop on Sunday, I report, I'm back in business with 8,898 m.
From March gadget factor is incerasing as well.
And this I wish to send to Piotrek remembering camino and to emphasise how very happy I am that he has the suitable shoes:
Great songs :) Reminds me Dave Matthews a bit.