Tuesday, 5 February 2013

The very short sport history of mine

Before 2008 I was not a jogger. I used to avoid all kinds of excercise. Okay, I love to snowboard, but using some of my muscles for a week once a year I wouldn’t call regular sporting. I went to school, then to college, then started working, I used to party, eat, drink, smoke, but a lot. As you can imagine, I wasn’t fit or thin at all. My original relationship to running goes something like this: in high school I used to ask my PE teacher to give me an F straight away but let me skip the agony of a Cooper test (12 minutes nonstop running).

During the summer of 2008 Piotrek from Poland and me, two erasmus buddies walked the camino from Saint Jean Pied de Port to Finisterra. No matter how I count, this is 900 km in 30 days. I didn’t do much physical preparation before the trip, however, it brought a great big change in my life, namely: I had to realize that it’s awesome to be fit and trained. (Little extra info: despite my sanctified irradiation, I smoked 2 packs a day still...)

My lovely husband and me got married in 2009. (Most certainly he didn’t know he is entering a bad mess with me...) Our little boy, Xavér was born the same year, so I left all gained theoretical aim and knowledge on regular exercise in Spain.

In August 2010 the big question started buzzing me: what to do with 8 kilos of baby mom’s fat. While I was sitting on the coach at home, horizontally challenged,  trying to figure out what to do, Piotrek sauntered El Camino del Norte, this time without my amusing company.

the gorgeous Margaret Island of Budapest

On 8th August, 2010 – having no better idea – I started jogging for my first 5 kilometers. I’ve accomplished my first ever round on Margaret Island on 19th September, 2010 with 00:33:45. (This is the most popular jogging route of Budapest, so called „the pudding”, ’cos of the special gummy material of the path – 5300 m – 1/8 of the marathon). Anybody who feels running 5 km is like hiking the Everest (I felt like that myself) and wishes to do the challenge, you all find the training plan that taught me to jog here.

the pudding
In 2011 my plan was to train myself up to 10 km for my own amusment. With irregular and very few trainings I’ve made it on 2nd October, 2011 in 1:14:59. Also, 5 days before that I smoked my last cigarette. (All former smokers know that this is the real thing.) Now that was the moment when I’ve promised myself I’m gonna take jogging more seriously and I’m gonna push it to a regular basis, no matter what.

Besides, I made this big resolution that in 2012 I try out how it feels to participate in a race and I run the half marathon. But life tricked me again, because at the beginning of the year we got the great news that our second baby, a girl is on the way. So came intoxicationg happiness and the urge of eating chocolates, pizza and doughnuts for not two but six. Ohohhit’s no good! As soon as my doc gave me greenlight in the second semester, I started very easy jogging. Then a great deep breath and I found myself registering for the Midicitta. This is a 6200 m run in the sessions of Vivicitta Run for the City of Budapest every spring. Under medical supervision I ran as much as I felt comfortable. On Fool’s Day, 1st April, 2012 we’ve accomplished the distance with Csinszka in my belly. Time: 00:43:46. Rank: 705 and 705.5. The race was fabulous and unforgettable.

On 10th September 2012 our cutey girl was born. And what about me? Deep deep fall in my physical status and again: 16 kilos of baby mom’s fat.

Kövesd a blogomat magyar nyelven!

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