Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Zombie Run!

Well, I thought that must be fun. Like go somewhere, get into the forest and get chased by Zombies. Things didn't turn out exactly as planned, but hey... In principle 4 hour travel, 1 hour run and another 4 hours on the way back seems to be a bit excessive on the travelling part.

That and the organisation of the whole event which was generally lacking, I also expected something tad more challenging and currently it had a very amateurish vibe. Pleasant but not worth the actual hassle. On the upside - run was fun, zombies were cool and I got a nice face-job with glue, paint and pieces of paper. And a nice photo to add as well.

So for the posterity, here is me, myself & I doing a mad dash.

Sunday, 26 May 2013

Catching up

OK, some serious catching up is needed here. All things are good and well and running still goes on. To be honest I think I'm hooked. Couple of weeks ago I did this:

I think it gave me quite a good idea on how I handle distance and allowed to break down the things into distinct phases:
  • 0-2 km - ok, what am I doing here. Shouldn't I just go back home like normal people?
  • 2-9 km - not so bad, I think I can carry on. Let's do it.
  • 9 km - ouch, pain. Why am I doing this. Let's have a sit-down, please?
  • 10-17 km - hey, this stuff is fantastic. Common! Next week I'm going for 50 km, then maybe 100. I could do this all day long!
  • 17-24 km - I'm good at this. I guess I'll do something very long here and then perhaps one more in the evening!
  • 25-30 km - paaaainnnnn. A! I can't feel my legs. How far away is the bloody 30 km.
On the upside - apart from my legs being extremely stiff for the rest of the day and some mild muscle pain over the next two days I seems to have taken it well. That bodes well for the future. On the downside it's hard to find enough time for routes like this one. It also highlighted the need to invest in a water-carrier or a back-pack as I spent quite a lot of time running parched like Gobi.